Dr. Renée Snyder

Dr. Renée Snyder is a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in treating all aspects of skin-related conditions, ranging from common skin irritations and ailments, to diagnosing and treating skin cancer. Serving the greater Austin TX, area, in addition to medical dermatology, she also concentrates on the skin rejuvenation aspect of skincare, which includes an organic approach to optimizing the look of the skin by using the latest cosmetic treatments and ingredients so all people can look and feel their best.
In 2008, Dr. Snyder co-founded Well People, a beauty conscious line of cosmetic and skincare products that deliver natural “no-makeup” results by using plant powered formulations. Well People was acquired by e.l.f. Beauty in 2020. Currently, Dr. Snyder supports the e.l.f. Beauty brand portfolio by providing her knowledge and expertise to the product innovation process. As part of e.l.f. Beauty, Dr. Synder also co-created Keys Soulcare with Alicia Keys, guiding the development of its highly efficacious, multi-tasking formulas.
Dr. Snyder is listed as a “Super Doctor,” an honor that identifies top doctors as selected by their peers. She earned her medical degree from University of Texas, and she is board certified by the American Board of Dermatology.
Dr. Renée Snyder is a board-certified dermatologist serving the greater Austin, TX area. She is trained to treat all aspects of skin-related conditions, ranging from common skin irritations and ailments, to diagnosing and treating skin cancer. While her main interest is in medical dermatology, she also concentrates on the skin rejuvenation aspect of skincare, which includes an organic approach to optimizing the look of the skin by using the latest cosmetic treatments and ingredients so all people can look and feel their best. She is the co-founder of Well People, a beauty conscious line of cosmetic products that deliver natural “no-makeup” results by using plant powered formulations.
LinkedIn: Dr. Snyder